Monday, April 23, 2007

A Wonderful Weekend!!/But bad news...

First the wonderful part.Well we had a visitor this weekend. We brought my mother-in-law over for the weekend. While she was here my wonderful loving husband put down new floors. We put in hard wood floors everwhere except the family room and bedrooms. It looks so good. It took all weekend, but was worth it.
I took my convertible out of storage and put her on the road again!! So I took my mother-in-law home today , then went to see my mom. Now the bad part. My mom has a spinal decease that eats away at your spine till your in a wheel chair, it's crippling, so my crazy study group, she needs your prayers really bad right now. I took her last week for the xrays and punctures(those help with the pain), and found out she needs to have 2 surgeries at the same time. First their going to cut her nerve endings and then their going to fuse her spine, and put in blocks for pain relief. The down side they told me was their not sure if she'll walk after her surgery, she may need a wheel chair for the rest of her life, and that's if she lives thru the surgery. As you all know she is really overwieght.
Ok, now that's out of the way, how is everyone? Enjoying the wonderful weather? I am. I love the smell of the blooms in my yard, especially sweet woodruft. It smells so good with the blooming lilac's. Ops, gotta go, my phones ringing, hubby's calling. B4N Sandy..


Anonymous said...

Sandy I am so so sorry to hear about your mother, and your mother-in-law with that nasty cancer, I hope they both get better soon, especially for your sake. How is your father? Is his memory fully restored? Strokes are not a good thing at his age, I'll pray for all your family dear one.
On a lighter note I love hard wood flooring, I hope you enjoy it!! So you finally broke that mustang out of bondage, I bet your happy about that. Why do you put it up for the winter anyway, we don't have snow over here. Well I'll blog you later dear it's late. Helen..

Anonymous said...

Thanks Helen. Also thank you to everyone who has e-mailed me this week with your prayers!!
My Father is doing well, he's tired a lot. His memory has improved.I put it into storage because I make too many trips over the passes, so I drive the SUV in the winter,lol...