Thursday, September 27, 2007


Well I've been getting calls lately about mom's leg. We have been soooo busy that I haven't had time to blog, sorry to all. Since mom had to stay downstairs, dad moved thier bedroom downstairs, and his office to the upstairs. Well then they liked the bedroom there so remodel time. Now mom and dads bedroom is where the family room use to be with a new master bath, french doors leading out to the back gardens and pool area(where theres now a changing bungalow)and new hot tub and water fall, and of course they have a fireplace and the gardens have one too. The den became the new quilt room and their old bedroom is now the guest room(because it has it's own bathroom) and the old guest room is now dads office. Confusing to those who haven't been here yet, but makes since to those who have. The kitchen also got a new face so mom could get around, and yes she's been cooking.
Now for mom's leg, she was put into a regular cast 2 1/2 weeks ago, and they took it off 2 days ago. Now she's in therapy and not suppose to put any weight on it unless the therapist says to. She has to where her air cast when traveling outside the house, inside she can have it off and elevated to keep the swelling from therapy down. And yes she won the battle about hunting, she can hunt on level ground, from a blind chair that swivels, and she's ready to go. Poor dad,lol. He's soooo right about mom, she is sooooo very tough. Go MOM!! Well I need to go, it's time to play moms new hunting game dad bought her yesterday for her xbox360, cabelas trophy bucks. She has all the cabelas hunting games, most of them on her playstation-2. Bye All.


Anonymous said...

Thanks kiddo!!

Anonymous said...

No way, she going to go hunting? That's your mother, go,go,go...I'm glad she doing better. Nice remodel, I loved it.

Anonymous said...

Wow, she's awesome!! I wish I was more like her. I loved what you all did to the house, it looks so user friendly now.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she's doing alot better, the xbox was a good idea. How does she like the new hunting game? What level is she on? Or did she finish it already? I hope she bags a big buck. I saw her shooting her bow last weekend, she said she's up to 50 lbs. Wow that's good a compound and the fact she's sitting while pulling and releasing. Tell all hi.

Anonymous said...

No kidding, you saw her with her new stool? It's camo, and adjustable for height. It swivels too, she let me sit on it when she got it 2 weeks ago. She really lets that parker fly, did you see her new arrows? There so cool. I'll have to go over and see her new game, my husband wants one.

Anonymous said...

Wow church night on the internet, you can tell when were all home, fed, and online huh? Well I'd say they need the good news, Sandy hates being out of the loop, last week she stayed in town for hours before having the driver take her home, lol. We just sat around and enjoyed the weather and company. Have you seen the new quilt she made? It's so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Aw child, I'm so pleased with all the good news, pastor and I will be over this Saturday. Tell you mama we'll be there around noon.

Anonymous said...

Alright mom s, way to go you know. We all miss ya teach. Come back soon, please..Your crazy youth groups...