Monday, January 28, 2008


I know I need to use this blog more, my other one keeps me quite busy.
Well 20 years ago today I was preparing for the birth of Melissa. I had to pack up for James, Christa, and Tiffany, as they were going home with Grandma and Grandpa Mike. I spent the day with my parents who came for the birth. My step Father Mike had never been around a newborn or even held one. So I asked him to come for this birth, he was the first one to hold Melissa after she was cleaned up. I have a wonderful picture of them together, him in scrubs, she so tiny. Melissa LeAnne was named for 2 very special little girls. She was also my last biological child. She was born howling, lol, ok screaming. But she quieted down. She was due Feb. 5th, but I wanted her born on my Grandfathers Birthday, and since it was a planned c-section, they allowed me to have her the 29th. very early in the morning. What was really a surprise is that I went into labor with her at 3 in the morning, so she was coming that day anyway. God works in wonderful ways. HAPPY 20th. BIRTHDAY MELISSA LeANNE McDONALD, MOM LOVES YOU SO MUCH.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope your daughter had a wonderful birthday. Sandy you are such a good and special mother, I wish you had been mine. T.