Thursday, February 26, 2009

What is a Christian and What is Not a Christian

What is a Christian & A Christian Act?
Is it someone who confesses to their sins?
Is it someone who forgives those who sin against them?
Is it someone who believes in the Lord?
Is it someone who follows God's Law's?
Is it someone who loves their neighbor as God commands it?
Is it someone who does not cast stones?

What is not a Christian or Christian Act?
It it someone who proclaims to be someone they are not?
Is it someone who will not forgive another's sins?
Is it someone who belives that an omission of the truth is ok?
Is it someone who turns the other way when they know a wrong is being committed?
Is it someone who preaches to you one thing, yet in their lives are hypocrites?
Is it someone who writes a book that has half truths?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You tell them Mom S. It's good to see that fire again, thought maybe your latest adventure may have been to much. We'll be over this weekend. S and K.