Friday, March 16, 2007

My Birthday!

Well it's the eve of my birthday. The cake is ready. It's supposed to be around 70 degree's tomorrow. The whole day has been planned out by my hubby. It's going to be a busy day. My parent's will be in and out, and my mother in law too.( My father in law passed years ago.) With good food, good cake, and good company, who could complain,lol.
When I was out today in 69 degree sunshine, I saw that not only are my roses and hycynthia's up but so are my foxglove, lupine, hollyhock, peonies and honeysuckle!! Yes, it's spring, and the irrigation ditches have water in them today! Ahh, life is good in the pacific northwest! That means more warm days and more time for the outdoors, more target shooting, getting better for the next archery shoot.
Well I must be on my way to bed, hubby say's it's time. We watched movies all evening and we're both tired. B4N Sandy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How was your birthday?