Tuesday, April 17, 2007

April Showers and April Flowers!!

Well April has had it's up's and down's as far as the weather is concerned. Easter weekend it was warm and sunny, this past weekend it rained, poured and rained some more.
On a sunny note, all of my fruit trees are in bloom and doing well. My maple tree has leaves on it, and my other trees are getting leaves .
We went for a ride on Sunday to Tree Phones, the snow there was 2 feet deep, it will be at least a few more weeks before we will be able to get to Eagle Nest, but the drive up was without snow or mud.
I got new arrows and went out to sight them in, I hit a heart shot on my 1st. fifty yard shot!! My husband looked at me and let out a huge woohoo,lol. I Love that Man!! It's so awesome to have a husband who roots for you, and celebrates your achievements!!
I read a book this week while the weather was making things grow, it's called "Waiting for Summer's Return", by Kim Vogel Sawyer, it was a lot like "Love Comes Softly", by Janette Oke. Although it wasn't exactly the same, there we're some differences. A good read though.
The kids and I watched the movie of "Love Comes Softly" and "Loves Enduring Promise" last week. They enjoyed them and so did I.
Well I must go, my hubby should be home soon, and I'm baking cookies so he'll have warm cookies and ice cold milk before his shower,lol..B4N Sandy...


Anonymous said...

Hey Sandy, sorry I missed the Bible Study, I was studying for a test. So what color are your new arrows, same as last time? I heard your little orchard is blooming, I hope it's not too early. Are you going to be home this weekend or are you off to Yakima? Well I know you very busy these days so I say bye for now, Kiara.....

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandy, I liked those movies too. Have you seen the latest ones? "Loves Long Journey" and "Love Abidding Joy? I bought a copy of the book you blogged, so far it's great. Thanks for the info. Oh my husband said to tell you "hello". LOL. Hopefully we'll see each other this weekend. Julie.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lady Bug, what an awesome study. We are so glad your our Group Leader. We want you to know that we appreciate you very much. We now your life is busy and your still able to do for our group and other's in our Church. Those quilts you made and gave away were really nice. God Loves You Mom S. We Love You too Mom S, your faithful group...