Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Merry Christmas,Happy Birthday and Happy Mother's Day!!

Well we are ALL back home. The Yakima/Naches River was down, not on the highway. The weather was warm, a little rain on Saturday. Perfect on Sunday. We got all our Mother's things done for them, had a wonderful dinner with my Father and Step Mother. A wonderful weekend altogether.
My Mother in Law has cancer, she been battling for 4 years now. So she missed Christmas with all the family. She decided to celebrate Christmas this past weekend. Everyone got something. I got a TroyBilt mini rototillar, it's a lot like a Mantis, but a little bigger, and better. She said it was my Christmas, Birthday and Mother's Day gift. Now I can till myself, I don't have to wait for a weekend for my Husband to do it. And it's all electric, no gas, no pulling. Just plug it in and off I go. It works wonders!
I went into my safety deposit and got some photo's out on Monday, I'm going thru them all and will post some on a photo blog.
Well my Husband is saying it's bedtime, so I must go. B4N Sandy...


Anonymous said...

Hey Mom "S", your back, cool. So we will all see you tonight at Study. I bet you love that tillar, your garden is gonna be great this year. All your loving fans...

Anonymous said...

Hey I heard you we're back on our side of the Mtns. So I hear you had quite the time, Christmas in March/April. I'll see you at Study group. Can't wait to see what your topic is. I also heard your quilt is finished!! Loves,Casey...

Anonymous said...

Sandy, it seems to me that your husband and yourself spend a lot of weekends together out of town. It sounds like you 2 are really close. Do these weekend trips help on relationships/marriages? I was just wondering.I really liked the song you posted, it was really powerful. Thanks for being here and listening. I got your blog from one of your bible students. I hope you don't mind. J.

What Sandy Likes To Do said...

Yes I'm back, just for the week though.It's Easter weekend coming up, that means cramming 3 services and 4 dinners into 2 days,LOL...
Yes My quilt is finished!! I've got the pattern and fabric for a new one I'm starting on next week, after Easter.
My Husband and I do spend every weekend together, somewhere. It's important for us to keep in touch with each others needs. During the week I don't see him much, he's very busy. We are very close and we are best friends, that is very important in a marriage. I don't mind if you tag along Julie. B4N Sandy