Thursday, July 5, 2007

We Have Finished Moving!!

Thanks to all of you who helped us move in mid June. We decided after Memorial Day to move to our summer home, then we thought why not buy a new place in between Tacoma and Yakima, and sell our Rainier home. So that's what we did. Our new place is a 90 minute drive to Yakima, but close enough that my wonderful husband can still come home at night. The animals were our main problem, so we sold the goats, some ducks and peafowl, but of course we kept the horses. The animals now reside at our summer home and we reside at both our new and summer home since their close to each other, just on different passes. Only a 1 hour drive from one to the other. Our summer home is on the lake but away from other people so our animals won't bother them. Our new home is on 3 acres with plenty of room for the animals for the winter months. Our new home has lots of room, pool and jacuzzi too. And lets not forget good hunting, lol...
The kids and I have been busy unpacking and quilting. We each had 2 new quilts that we started in May and they are all almost finished, so I guess it's off the the fabric shop this weekend!! Well I won't be back on for a while, we have all kinds of Archery Shoot's coming up starting next weekend, and our yearly trip back to New York to see my husbands brothers and their families, of course were taking my mother-in-law too. And congrats to my cousin Trish and her new husband, they have been married since Jan. 07 and she just called last week to say she's 4 months along with #5. Her 1st. husband passed away a few years ago just before the birth of their 4th child, at least he knew it was a son and named him before he passed. Love you Trish!!
Well I must go for now, but I'll be back if I have any wonderful news to share, if not I'll be back later this summer. Love to you all, Sandy...

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