Friday, August 10, 2007

Hi Every One, This is Ashley

I want to say thanks to all who have prayed for my mom, and are still doing so. She still plans on having the 1st surgery, but they may be doing 2 since she and our family were on a hiking trip and she fell and broke her leg 3/4 of a mile in the wilderness. We had hiked in 2 miles for a camping/scouting trip and were on our way out sunday afternoon when it started to thunder and rain, I slipped and she grabbed me and fell down the ravine instead of me and broke her leg real bad and my need surgey to fix it, we'll know more on monday, as her swelling is just starting to go down and the 1st exray showed she broke her bone in half at a slant but they couldn't see the rest of her ankle area to see if she broke anything there. Dad is staying home and taking real good care of her and we are too. He is working from his home office. Dad said she's a real tough lady to walk out the rest of the way to our truck with only him to hold her one side up and she walked the best she could 3/4 of a mile, I am so proud of my mom, that could have been me, but she kept me from the fall, dad had to go down and pull her out, it was 20 yards down is what he said, and that she was lucky that a stick didn't go thru her. I so glad it didn't kill her, I love my mom, you all know that, anyway keep praying for her, I'll post more after her next exray. Thanks for all the phone calls too, dad said. Ashley, John, and Dad...


Anonymous said...

Hi you guys, I'm sorry about Sandy's fall, we have been praying for her and will continue to do so. Let Bill and I know if there's anything we can do to help out. I got the message on your answering machine to come here for details, that was a good idea. I hope you all get some rest, this is going to be a long ordeal. God Bless, Margo.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ashley, so your taking over your mom's blog for a while. How is she doing today? It was nice talking to her yesterday, she sounded tired but said she wasn't. I like the phone message idea, that way it can be quiet and not so stressful trying to get to the phone to stop the ringing. When she's awake and able have her call us. We are praying for your whole family.

Anonymous said...

Wow, how did all this come about? We called to see if you we're going to be home this weekend and got this phone message to come here. How is Sandy doing? How's your dad taking this,he must be going nuts. We will be comimg over this weekend just to see that you ALL are ok, we won't stay with you, we'll get a hotel in Yakima. I can't believe this happened. We will call our church and get your family on our prayer chain. Take care.

Anonymous said...

No wonder I can't get thru on your phone, no one was answering and then today I got your message. What do you mean she's still planning to have the first surgery? Her doctor shouldn't let her do that. Was the rain why she slipped and fell? You guys have those garmins, didn't you have weather alert on? And why didn't you use the emergency call, those garmins give your exact location. Your poor mother, I hope she not in too much pain. Ashely, you or your dad call me when you get this, how often are you going to check in here? Take care, our prayers are with you ALL....J

Anonymous said...

Ashley, how is your mother today? I called to check on her a got a message to come here. Tell your father that if he needs anything from the office let us know and Frank will bring whatever he needs. I bet she's driving all of you crazy, I can't see her sitting still for 5 minutes. We'll talk to you later. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Oh Ashley, we all know how much you love your mom. You know she wouldn't let any harm come to you if she could help it. She is one tough lady, your dad is right about that. This won't keep her down long, you wait and see. God is listening to all the prayers for her, she'll be fine, sore but fine you'll see, she's tough as nails. So don't worry so much, just be there for her like she's always there for you. Do her older kids know that she's hurt? I can't imagine that they hate her so much that they act as they do, well God will deal with them and that father of theirs. Well we are all praying for her and a fast recovering so she doesn't drive you all crazy. Take care kiddo, and call us. I'll check back in on monday.

Anonymous said...

Ouch!! Oh my, oh I can't imagine the pain, oh poor girl. Ashley your mama loves you too, hang in there. Pastor called this morning and told us the awful news, how is your mama doing? I heard she's restless when she's awake, I bet she is going crazy, can she move around at all? Oh your poor father must be sick with worry. We're all pulling for your family, and we are setting up a help crew for books, crafts, etc. that we know your mama likes to help keep her hands busy when she's awake. Pastor is on his way over there, so let him know if there is anything we all can do. Take care child, God is with you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Any news yet? Has any one heard what happened at the doctors today? Please post any news if you have heard anything.Thanks.