Saturday, October 20, 2007


Well, I'm back!! 23 years ago today I was in labor with my oldest daughter, although she was born a day later, my labor was 52 hours from start to finish. It started out on Friday with small pains every few hours at home in the company of Uncle Tim and Alan Mittan. Tim wrote down every pain and the time, Alan was to go get James when it got real close. By the time I got to the hospital which was an hour away (and Sat. /Sun. middle of the night) my pains were 3 minutes apart. My little girl was born Oct.21, at 4:23 a.m. Well worth the labor and wait.
Now I decided that if it was a boy, I was going to call him Christopher Alan, and if it was a girl I was going to call her Krista Marie, unless she was born on a Sunday, then Christa Marie, Christ with an A, and Marie, french for Mary. (I was born and raised a Methodist, Southern Baptist, and Roman Catholic. When I was a baby I was baptized all 3 in 1 day, and raised with all 3. Every Sunday I went to all 3 services. Methodist was 1st. with my Grandfather, So. Baptist 2nd. with my Grandmother, and Catholic 3rd. with my other Grandparents. It was a full day.) Well she was born on a Sunday, so she is Christa Marie, and she had a head full of dark brown hair and the prettiest blue eyes, she never cried, she just looked at me when the nurse gave her to me. It was pure love. I knew I loved her from the time I found I was carrying her and I knew she was going to be a girl because I didn't have the morning sickness and tiredness I had with James.
Happy 23rd. Birthday Christa Marie, Mom Loves You.........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sandy, hopefully you check this. I misplaced your new blog, and I can't seem to reach anyone in your household, I know your hunting, so call me, or e-mail me your blog.