Monday, March 26, 2007

What A Weekend!!

Well, as we passed thru Yakima this past weekend, we encountered water over the highway, you see they have been under flood warnings for quite a while. The river that was even with the highway was now on the highway in more places than one.
The Archery Shoot was 7 miles past White Swan, up near Fort Simcoe State Park, where my GREAT Grandfather was born. It was awesome to walk where ancestors walked in the 1800's and early 1900's. I walked there as I was growing up with my Grandfather on several occassions and fished in the Agency River with my Grandmother.
The Shoot was just before the park, on private property, each section has 3-D targets of vast and various kinds of animals, even a graped ape. Section 1 had 15 targets, as did section 3, section 2 had 10 targets, 40 in all. There are 2 days to a 3D archery shoot. That means you shoot 80 targets in a weekend. You keep a score card that they give you at registration on both days. At the end of the weekend when you are finished, you turn in your score cards for both days, but they have to be in by 2:30 P.M. on Sunday to get on the Trophy Board.
My husband came in 4th in the mens Hunter class, I came in 5th. in the womens Hunter class. There are 4 classes, hunter, freestyle,tradional and pro.
Ashley came in at 3rd. place in the Young Ladies Youth Hunter class, and John came in 2nd. in the Young Men's Youth Hunter Class. They have cub, Jr., Youth and Adult. Congrat's to Ashley and John, good job. The difference betweens the groups is the yardage stakes, you shoot at your stake by color that goes with your group, adult stakes are orange, youth is white, and so on. The adult stakes are farthest from the target and the cubs are closest. There was a total of 400 people at this shoot.
The targets are set up 45-55 yard's from each other for safety, you walk from target to target till finished, so you could walk 3 miles or more per day. They have 15 set up on a rockey hillside in the 7 foot sagebrush&down thru the creek, 10 set up in the scrub oak trees and 15 out in the open 2 foot sage. And yes we saw 1 rattlesnake. Now we are safely home and ready for bed. We have another shoot on April 14 & 15, again May 5 & 6. Then starts the summer shoots. Well I can see my hubby is ready for bed. B4N Sandy...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you ALL had fun. What poundage are you shooting at? What arrows/size?