Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Well most of you know via e-mail thismorning that they did xrays yesterday and found no other broken bones. They did a MRI and mom has a pulled tendon and muscle, I guess thats why she is having foot cramps in the bottom of her foot and charlie horses in her leg. Her leg is still to swollen to cast it the regular way, but she likes the air cast better, she says when it itches she an have us open it so she can scratch. This is a cool cast, it goes down her whole leg to her toes, you set her foot and leg in and let it slip into place, then velcro it shut then tighten it with velcro straps, then close the air valve and pump it up till she makes a painful face. She's on pain medication and something for swelling. Last week they had her on stuff that made her sleep alot so she wouldn't move around too much. She has to keep the cast on all the time except to shower, but then she's in a wierd looking wheel chair for that, she has to keep her leg up, and as still as possible to keep the bone in place. No surgery for now, their hoping that it will heal the right way and won't have to rebreak it or operate on it. She's awake alot more now, but groggy, and she made dad get her clothes and help her get dressed, she said she can't stand laying or sitting around in her jamas. Dad says the fun now begins, mom is not used to doing nothing!! I'm glad she's doing better, I was so worried. So now we wait, her next apt. is Tues. I hope I answered all your questions. And thanks for all the quilting items, mom was so suprised. ( how did you all know what she likes?) Gma V has a hard time finding things mom likes. And yes both Gma's are here,lol. I'll let you know if there's more news, Ashley


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Ashley. I hope all goes well. We'll continue our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Ashley thanks for the information, we'll pass it on. Did you know that between all of us there are 14 different churches praying for your mother? Awesome.

Anonymous said...

Ah sweet child, thank you for the news, we recieved your e-mails. Your mama must be restless, she always on the go. This time out should do her good, I sent a bible study over with Pastor, I hope she enjoys it. Our prayers are with you and your family my dear child.

Anonymous said...

See I told you not to worry so much Ashley. Your mama is, like your father says, a tough lady. She has to be, it runs through her veins, stubborness and toughness.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. How long does she have to use this air cast?

Anonymous said...

I saw the air cast this past weekend, and I talked to her a little while ago. She has to wear it for 4 weeks, then they will most likely cast it. She's not in a lot of pain, she says it's just a little, but she is on pain meds. It's going to be a long recovery, but she's strong. She looks good although she's scratched up pretty well. She said she will have to go to P.T., because her foot and ankle are set to keep her leg bone where they want it, so she will have problems putting weight on her foot and walking on it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the e-mail and update. Still praying!!